Understanding iCloud

In order to better understand iCloud we need to think about where we came from prior to iCloud. We do not have to look too far back on the history of iOS devices to remember a time when users actually plugged in their iOS devices to their computer to backup their data. iTunes was the guardian of our digital lives. To be brutally honest, most of us detested the process! Before iCloud backups, the majority of iPhone users were largely dependent on regularly backing up their iPhone data manually to their computer. What this ultimately meant was that the vast majority of users were failing to backup their devices.

Device backup was a huge pain point and Apple sought a more elegant solution for their users. At the time, Apple had a product called .Mac which served a variety of different purposes for Mac users. What (possibly) began as an effort to fix everything wrong with iTunes and manual backups became an all encompassing backup solution. I believe it is important to have a proper understanding of iCloud in order to fully embrace it as a backup solution. Seeing iCloud as an all-encompassing backup solution for iOS devices, I’ll refer to as “The What”, will help us to understand “The Why.” So many times we neglect understanding why we are doing it in the first place. This results in the act of maintaining our iCloud backup as a meaningless waste of time.

If we will stop and think of iCloud as not merely an annoyance, but as a means of protecting our important data and memories, our photos. Maintaining iCloud means we keep all of those precious photos of our loved ones in a safe place. Maintaining iCloud means we can easily contact people at a moments notice because we have their information tucked away in a safe place. Maintaining iCloud means that we have precious data from all of our apps easily accessible when an accident happens with our iPhone or iPad. It also means that we no longer need to plug in our iOS devices to our laptop or desktop computer, yay!

originally posted on ITECH.PLUS


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