The Chazown Experience

If you are looking to go deeper to uncover your true identity, I highly recommend going through the Chazown Experience from Life.Church. I have included a bunch of links below. All the resources are free except for Pastor Craig Groeschel’s book, which you can buy here.

Description: “Chazown is the Hebrew word for vision, and it’s what God had in mind for you when you were created. Discovering your chazown starts with examining your core values, spiritual gifts, and past experiences. These three areas will help you identify common themes, bring clarity to your unique passions, and lead you to the purpose God has just for you. The best part is that you can start planning your next steps toward pursuing God’s vision—His chazown—for your life today!”

Chazown Resources:

Chazown Video Promo

Chazown Videos & Resources

Chazown Participant Guide

Spiritual Gifts Assessment


Chazown Resources For Churches

Get the Book


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