This has long been a tough subject for me to grasp personally. I have always struggled to see how what I do in my day-to-day impacts the Kingdom of God. For so long, I thought only pastors or missionaries get to hold that honor. Since I was not a pastor and I certainly would not call my work missions, I believed I was not meant to impact the Kingdom in my career. Boy was I WRONG! I have learned three ways I can have Kingdom impact no matter what type of work I am doing.
Be a Light In the Darkness
Sometimes it is less about the work itself and more about who you are(your character) while doing the work. What I have seen is that sometimes it is who you are not what you do(the tasks) which has the greatest impact. When doing the right thing is far from trending in pop culture, your commitment to showing the love of Jesus has the power to change those around you. I know you might be thinking that you don’t know enough about Jesus or that you are not good with words, but many times you do not need to say anything about Jesus. You can live in such a way that others can see the love of Jesus through the way you go about your work. Your character can open doors to speak the love of Jesus in the lives of those who need it the most.
John 13:35 NIV “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.””
Hope Dealer
I understand it may seem insignificant, but sometimes the greatest thing you can do for someone is to give them the gift of hope. We never know or understand everything someone is going through. Sometimes what can seem so small to you can mean the world to someone who has lost hope. Remember, we as followers of Jesus are called to be ready to share the reason for our hope(1 Peter 3:15).
‘But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,’
Everyday Missionary
What God accomplishes through you while doing your work is impacting the Kingdom of God. Sure, you might not be handing out Bibles or feeding the less fortunate, but God can and will use you to reach people no one else is reaching. Whether it is working with excellence, sharing the love of Jesus in the small things, or giving your coworker a ride home from work, you ARE a MISSIONARY sent BY GOD to impact the Kingdom of God! Never lose sight of that!